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Weight loss tips reviews

If you want to lose weight, you're in the right place.

We are here to provide the latest information from articles and products for weight loss to You. Healthy very important for the quality of your life. However, if you have better shape ,it will be better and will lead to positive changes in your life, due to the growing number of people who have weight problems, bring to the development products to help you lose weight have many on the market

Our success story

Confidence is generally regarded as one of the most attractive qualities one can possess.  We all know it's tough to conjure the confidence we want, when we don't feel good about the way we look.  In fact, it's virtually impossible.  With weight loss, we can find that lost confidence and feel great about ourselves again! So,We have helped many people across the world and will continue to help as many as possible. You can lose weight at any age and any time. 

Because ,This website will provide you with REAL facts and suggest to you some safe, successful weight loss products that have been tried, tested and reviewed by a lot of users.
Beware, there are a lot of cheap imitation diet pills products out there.  We help you by eliminating the ones that do not work and only reviewing and suggesting to you the ones that work. 

      According to the U.S. Surgeon General report, obesity is responsible for 300 thousand deaths every year in America.

Recently, due to the large numbers of people who are suffering from weight problems like obesity, a lot of products designed to help you lose weight have been launched on the market.
Only the best weight loss pills product gets to be reviewed here, and that's a guarantee. Visitors can also help us by submitting your own product reviews if you have any experience with them.\

Video reviews

The causes of obesity in the United States, Britain, and other countries around the world.

The causes of obesity in Britain (U.K.)

Causes of obesity in America (U.S.)

The Fact of Obesity Epidemic in America ,consequences ,causes and solutions

The results of Obesity in American , causes and solutions.

The Most Popular Weight loss Product , Can help You lose weight.!


Healthy Tips

Basic Work Out

A Weight Loss Guide to Success!

Often, a simple work out can make you feel good in a small amount of time. You can squeeze in these moves during lunch break, or even right before an upcoming date. The best part is, these exercises aren’t too demanding, so there will be minimal perspiration involved. Keep in mind that these routines are not meant for advanced trainers looking for serious muscle growth. They are designed to maintain a healthy and good-looking physique within approximately an hour. Make sure that you have a healthy snack at least one hour before the workout, and a full meal afterwards.

Cardiovascular and Lower Body

Your cardiovascular work out should consist of a half-hour daily walk. Simply lace up your quality walking shoes and go for a stroll around the block. Go out regardless of the weather; just make sure to dress adequately. An effective alternative to going outside is walking up and down a building staircase. This option is excellent for your heart, as well as maintaining leg muscles. To maintain a constant progression, try to increase your pace on a weekly basis. Set goals and gradually increase your distances. If possible, alter your cardiovascular sessions for an even more effective work out: use the staircase one day, and walk around the block on other days.

Upper Body

After your cardiovascular exercises, begin your upper body work out with a few exercises. Do these steps three times a week for better results.

Basic Pushups

Basic pushups will work your chest area, triceps and rear deltoids. Aim for 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions (depending on your fitness level), and gradually increase the repetitions as the movement becomes easier. Once the movement becomes too easy, you can increase the workout by elevating your feet on a chair to increase resistance.

Lay face down on the floor with your legs extended behind you and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Your fingertips should be pointed straight ahead, and make sure you keep your back flat and your head in natural alignment with your spine. Get into the starting position by extending your arms straight from your shoulders, which lifts your entire body off the floor. While keeping your body stable, go down until your nose almost touches the floor. Exhale as you push back to the starting position with your chest and triceps. Try not to lock your elbows in order to keep constant tension on your muscles.

Close-Grip Pushups

Close-grip pushups mostly work the tricep muscles, the inner chest and the trunk muscles. Once again, carry out 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions (according to your fitness level), and gradually increase the repetitions as the movement becomes easier. · Use the same starting position and breathing pattern as the basic pushup. Bring your hands together and form a triangle with your index fingers and thumbs. As you go down to the floor, your elbows should go to the side, which incidentally puts more stress on your triceps and inner chest. Close-grip pushups also require more balance. By stabilizing your body, your trunk muscles will work throughout the entire movement. At first, close-grip pushups might strain your wrists, so make sure you stretch appropriately and start off slowly.

Wide-Grip Pushups

Wide-grip pushups will work your chest, rear shoulders and parts of your back muscles. Carry out the same sets and reps as aforementioned and gradually increase the reps as the movement becomes easier. · Use the same starting position and breathing pattern as the basic pushup. Your hands should be positioned beyond shoulder width, with your fingers pointing frontward. The wider position emphasizes the tension on your shoulders and lengthens your pectorals. Wide-grip pushups are more demanding, so you will tire more quickly than with other pushups. The above pushup variations will help keep your upper body muscles strong and fit. For additional exercises, try these simple moves. All you require are either 8 or 15 kg dumb bells, and a few minutes.


These repetitions will build up muscles in the thigh and buttocks. First, spread your legs to hip length and keep your legs fully extended. Holding dumb bells in each hand and maintaining a straight back, slowly bend your knees until your thighs are level to the floor. Then, slowly return to your original position. Continue this exercise until you tire your legs to failure.


In order to work out the pectorals, lie on a bed (stomach up) and hold a weight in each hand above your chest. Keep your arms fully extended with the palms facing each other. Next, lower the dumb bells outwards and down until parallel with your shoulders. Breathe out, and return the weights to starting position. Aim for eight sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. · Arms

These exercises will strengthen your biceps. Sit on the edge of a secure chair with your feet placed hip width apart. Hold the weights with palms facing inwards in front of your body. Extend your arm, and curl one dumb bell up at a time in a small arc towards your shoulder. Be sure to rotate your forearm so your palm faces your shoulder at the top of the movement. Aim for three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

What is the Best Diet Plan?

Believe it or not, but there is no definitive ‘best diet plan’ out there. Why? Because everyone of us is different.

Body type, build, metabolism… we each require something different to help us lose weight, but that does not mean we cannot try to incorporate well known methods that we know promote effective weight loss.

It is just a question of finding the right ones.

The web is one good place to look – though you do need to be prepared for the variety you will find.

By typing in just the simple term of ‘weight loss’ you will come across an assortment of articles that will either tell you to take vitamin and dietary supplements or focus on your actual diet.

Neither of these diet supplement reviews are wrong. In truth they can each bring something to the table that can help you to formulate an effective weight loss plan specifically designed to your needs, and your needs alone.

The best approach we can recommend is breaking down each area of weight loss down into the discernable segments of diet, exercise and weight loss diet supplements.

Not sure how? One good example of this can be found in the Telegraph’s article entitled ‘Top 5 ways to lose weight for 2008’.

In this one article the writers of this lucrative newspaper – which is renowned for publishing only accurate sources of information – have covered each of these 3 points and more.

To surmise the article they discussed these top 5 points:

• eating more regularly - 6 small meals a day
• using natural fat binders such as leading brand Proactol
• surrounding yourself with a strong support network to keep yourself motivated
• ensuring you eat breakfast every day - this may only be a small change to your diet, but having a breakfast every morning can give your metabolism the jump start it needs to keep it burning your calories (fast) all day long
• Realistic exercise plan – although exercise is an important part of helping you to lose weight, setting yourself too many unachievable goals can one cause your injury and two affect your motivation levels.

Now whilst these 5 tips presented by the Telegraph are just a small sample of what you can use to build up a strong weight loss plan, they each summarise an important area that you need to bear in mind.

An area that could play a vital part in helping you to lose weight and gain the body you want.

Offer yourself real, credible weight loss results

For most of us taking that first initial step to losing weight can feel like a big leap but there are weight loss dietary supplements out there that can offer you the support and stability to making this first step easy and accessible.

One such supplement is Proactol.

100% organic and side effect free, Proactol is a clinically proven fact binder that can help you to:

Bind up to 28% of your dietary fat intake
• Suppress your appetite whilst decreasing food cravings
Lower your blood cholesterol levels
• Increase your joint flexibility and mobility
Cut your calorie content by 450 calories a day

And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Proactol can offer consumers the best in weight loss pills results.

So if you are looking to boost your weight loss chances and build an effective weight loss plan, Proactol can offer you the support to make this happen.


Weight Loss and Calories

 We all know that for a woman they have only got a daily allowance of 2,000 calories, compared to men who are allowed 2,500 calories.

But ask someone what calories are, and the majority wouldn't be able to give you a complete answer.

All they know is that too many calories can contribute to weight gain.

So what are calories? Calories are essentially units of energy. Energy which is used to raise your body temperature.

Take this example.

One calorie equals the same amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

We know, what has this got to do with food? But, calories are our way of measuring the energy content of the foods we eat.

Another metrical tool you need to know when you are losing weight, which you won’t traditionally find on a food label, is joules. These measure food energy too, but work on a higher setting. In this case, 1 calorie equals 4,184 joules (with such high figures it is easy to see why companies opt for calories).

Even when you measure it in kilojoules, one kilojoule is still 1,000 joules.

With us so far? Well here is the next secret. When it comes to losing weight, the number of calories you can have will depend on your existing weight.

Take for example this scenario. You have got 2 people who want to lose weight at a rate of 2lbs a week, but one of them is 2 stone heavier than the other.

In this case, the person who is heavier will be able to consume more calories whilst losing weight at the same rate as their friend.

You see, because they are carrying extra weight, they need more energy to move it and keep their weight loss steady. Cut your calories down too low and you will not have the energy to keep your body functioning.

Saying this, once the lbs begin to drop off the heavier person of this scenario would have to adapt and lower their calorie allowance to cope with their new weight.

So as you can see, calories play an important part on your path to weight loss. Take this following piece of information for example. To lose just 1lb, you need to burn 3,500 calories – more than your daily allowance.

Now although this looks as though you need to starve yourself in order to lose weight, you don't. We recommend that by cutting your calorie consumption by 250-500 calories a day, you can effectively lose weight at a rate that will enable you to then keep it off.

PLEASE NOTE: you shouldn't cut your calories to below 1,200 a day as this can lead to increased health risks.

Why are you Fat?

Your quest to lose some weight if you are interested, will not see the light until you identify why you are fat in the first instance and then work to avoid all the identified reasons.

Though in the beginning, a lot of fat people do not want to accept that they are fat and usually pick a quarrel if anyone makes an observation, there comes a time when they can no longer hide from it.

The thing is, when you finally agree that you are fat, do you just say ‘okay, I know am fat and there is nothing I can do about it’. Then put up with it? Or do you take up the challenge and start doing something about it?

So why are you fat?

Usually I get replies like; “I eat at wrong times of the day, at the wrong quantities. I have 3 kids; I run a business that takes away all the time I could have exercised.

Between the business and my three kids’ daily activities at school that I volunteer at, as well as every other extra curricular activity, I really don't find the time to make sure I eat right.

I must be sure my children eat well though. While they're eating, I'm cleaning, or getting ready, or cleaning up spilt milk, etc. I miss meals, when it is time for me to eat; I eat it really big because I am really very hungry by then. I know what I am doing is wrong but what do I do?”

Others tell me stories like; “I don't drink enough fluids, when I do, its usually coffee, but I gag on water, I've tried checking this myself, and I am almost succeeding, I'm down to a coke every other day, and that is about 4 bottles a week, instead of everyday, though I still have my coffee.

But now I'm up to two bottles of water a day....however, either way, still not enough fluids at all right?”

Yes enough fluid is alright but not when the fluid is coffee and coke. A bottle of coke is said to contain about 8 cubes of sugar and coffee doesn’t just contain caffeine that affects your nerves when you grow older but increases your cholesterol level. I have told people, it doesn’t matter whether it is decaff.

Another excuse people give themselves. “I was too busy working and wasn’t eating enough then I became anemic. I wouldn't be if I was eating properly. If I really wanted to eat well I could probably have worked out a schedule to make sure I eat the right things at the right times.

Now the doctor wants me to eat more but I am now fat trying to do what the doctor said. I have tried to cut out the soda, and focus more on water, and I do some light walking as I was not supposed to get involved in very strenuous physical activities as at then. How do I lose weight without becoming anemic again?”

Whatever is your excuse or ‘reason’ you need to start knowing that excuses will only worsen your health status. So knock if off! You will not get better with excuses. Take the responsibility for your own health. Stop blaming the doctor, your kids or your job. It is all about you being a little bit more vigilant and determined to save your own life.

With all these excuses, you will begin to eat emotionally, stuffing a lot of chocolate, binging at any opportunity. Seeking solace in food is the worst thing you can do for your mode. Exercises will put you in a better frame of mind.


Some Fat Facts

There are basic facts you should know about fats. There are mainly two classes of fats; saturated fat, and unsaturated. The unsaturated ones are the polyunsaturated fats, and monounsaturated fats.

Some fats are dangerous, while some are not. When fats come combined with proteins in the body, they form a complex called Lipoproteins.

We will look at these later in a broader view to see why some are desirable and some are not, but first, let’s look at the major kinds of fats.

Saturated Fat

Fatty acids are made up of several chains of carbon atoms, it is said to be saturated because the carbon atoms have no free bonds to link with other atoms.

Normally a carbon atom has 2 free bonds that are ready to attach with other atoms to form a compound. When these free bonds are used up entirely, usually by another carbon atom or a hydrogen atom, the fat becomes saturated. That is because there is no room for any more attachment.

These are the bad type of fat and the one we must avoid in trying to stay healthy. The body has a tough time processing saturated fats, because of the number of bonds it needs to break down in the process. Saturated fats raise cholesterol levels, which increases the chances of a heart attack.

For a healthy dieting plan, saturated fats must be reduced significantly from the diet. Examples of sources of saturated fat are all forms of fat in animal flesh (meat), palm oil, and coconut oil etc.

Polyunsaturated Fat

Polyunsaturated fat comes in two types: omega 6 and omega 3. It is ‘poly’ because there are more than one unsaturated bonds in the compound. It is Omega-6 because the first unsaturated bond exists at the 6th carbon atom. Same is applicable to omega3.

Omega 6 type comes mainly from vegetables, and omega 3 come from oily fish.
This type of fat is actually the healthy type and helps to reduce the level of cholesterol! So a small consumption is important for health. Remember, ‘small’.

Monounsaturated Fat

They have only one carbon atom carrying unsaturated bonds. They are derived mainly from vegetable and are found in olive oil and almond oil. They also have the ability to help reduce cholesterol levels.


They are fat-protein complexes and play important role in the development of heart attacks. They are two classes of these lipoproteins.

High Density Lipoproteins - These lipoproteins reduce the chance of a heart disease.

Low Density Lipoproteins - Increases the likelihood of heart diseases. If the level of LDL is higher than that of HDL, the likelihood of a heart disease, stroke diabetes etc. is increased and vice versa.

Fats produces very high levels of energy and the daily intake shouldn't exceed 30% of your total calories. In other words, for an average daily intake of 2,000 calories, only about 600 should be fat derived. This of course is if you are not trying to loss weight, but if you are; your daily fat consumption should not be enough to produce 600 calories.

Every 1g of fat gives out 9 calories. That leaves you with about 66.7g of fat per day. But for weight loss, it should go lower than that.

This can be achieved by cutting down on all fatty foods and eating more of vegetables and fruits, a little of pure carbohydrates. With little or no fat at all, you will soon be getting used to the low fat diet.


Weight Loss Cooking Tips

Losing weight doesn't have to be dull and boring. Nor does it have to spell the end to your favourite meals.

In most cases it is all about making substitutions with your ingredients, which is achievable whilst still creating delicious dishes.

Now most of the following tips are pretty straight forward, and will not make much of a difference to your food preparations, but some will prove more time consuming than others.

Don't worry. We have thought of everything to make this entire process easier, and once you have given it a try you'll soon be losing weight the fun way – eating appetising mouth-watering meals, at a fraction of the calories.

So let’s get started. We are confident that within these tips you'll find one to suit you and your weight loss management plan in no time.
1. Beef – by rinsing it down in hot water (once you have drained and browned it), you can reduce its fat content by 50% without affecting its flavour.
2. Substitute chicken broth for butter in all your pasta, rice and stuffing dishes

3. Forget using oil and replace it with chicken/ beef broth or wine. Here you'll gain extra flavour without the added fat.

4. Use fruit juice, salad dressing or wine in your marinades instead of oil. This extra acidic taste will increase the taste whilst reducing the fat

5. In pasta dishes use soft cheeses such as cottage cheese instead of full cheese.

6. Swap mozzarella cheese for cheddar cheese. This will cut its fat and calorie content by half.

7. Bake instead of deep frying. To do this simply add a beaten egg to your food and put them in a plastic bag. To coat them, roll the pieces in bread crumbs and add them to a baking tray. By doing so you will still be able to experience crispy coated meat and food, whilst reducing the fat that can be added by deep frying.

8. Use skimmed milk instead of whole. This will save you on a whole 8g of fat in one glass

9. In your cakes, muffins and brownies, use yoghurt instead of oil. This will add nutritional value, whilst cutting down on the fat.

10. Use 2 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg.

And then just keep a record of all your ingredient changes. Above are just 10 of the most common ones weight loss systems will tell you to use, but there are many more techniques that you can incorporate into your meals.

Whether they are ingredient substitutions or a complete recipe rewrite, it is possible to enjoy your favourite foods without having to worry about their fat or calorie content.

So give them a try and see which tips work best for you. You might be surprised by how much more you enjoy your healthier version.


Lose Weight with Fat Binders

If you too – like so many of us - are looking for a natural way to lose those excess lbs and achieve a healthier, happier body, then fat binders could be the answer you are looking for.

100% natural and traditionally derived from plant extracts, fat binders can provide you with the perfect stepping stone to achieving an easy healthy weight loss, with none of the risk that can come with some chemically induced weight loss supplements.

So what are fat binders exactly?

In simple terms a fat binder is a component that binds and gathers fat molecules.

So let’s just say for this example you eat a double cheese burger.

Once your burger has been broken down by your stomach, it will move into your intestine where it will meet the fat binder you ingested earlier. From this point your fat binder will begin binding the fat molecules making them too big to be absorbed back into your body.

But this is not all fat binders can do.

Alongside their natural ability to reduce your daily fat consumption, fat binders are also known for being effective appetite suppressants, enabling users to reduce their meal portions and lose weight without having to starve themselves.

And the great thing is, as soon as you have taken the fat binder it will begin to work to bind your fat and offer you results on its very first day.

Fat binders versus appetite suppressants

When you traditionally take an appetite suppressant, they help you to cut your appetite by making your brain believe your body is full, when it is not. They essentially directly affect your central nervous system, altering your hunger signals and the timing in which they are released.

Fat binders on the other hand work within your digestive tract to help bind your fat molecules and lose weight. Other than that, fat binders have no other affect within your body.

Why choose a fat binder?

Compared to most weight loss supplements, fat binders can offer you a healthy weight loss, with none of the risk. You see one of the most recurrent problems you’ll find in even the most popular weight loss supplements is their side effects.
Chemically altered/made, some may be able to offer consumers a steady weight loss over time, but alongside these weight loss benefits consumers will also be able to find an array of uncomfortable side effects. These can be not only unpleasant but dangerous to your health too.

For example how many weight loss supplements have you seen in the media that have been recommended as a means to losing weight alongside other dietary changes and exercises?

The answer is not many. But add a natural fat binder to the equation, and you’ll experience a different media outcome altogether.

Take for example natural fat binder Proactol. Medically backed and clinically proven to work, Proactol for 2 years running has been voted by both slimmers and dieticians alike as one of the top 5 ways to naturally lose weight in 2008.

Combined within their top 5 tips of: eating 6 times a day; having a healthy breakfast; surrounding yourself with support and setting yourself a realistic exercise plan, the Telegraph has placed natural fat binder, Proactol, as their second top tip.

Yet compared to most fat binders Proactol can offer consumers a range of other natural health benefits too:

Lower blood cholesterol
• Increased joint flexibility and energy levels
A reduction in food cravings
• A 450 daily calorie reduction
No known side effects

And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42 EEC, consumers can take Proactol confident in the knowledge that with its natural fat binder benefits on hand they can begin to lose a steady 1-2lbs a week with minimal exercise.

So offer your body a natural solution to healthy weight loss and the experience the joys of a healthier happier body.

Do Slimming Pills Work?

The answer to this age old question is not a simple one. Why? Because it is all a matter of determining the real slimming pills from the fake.

So what can do you do? How can you find this answer?

One sure way is to look at their backing. Now we don’t mean just their customer testimonials. No, we mean everything: their clinical trials, their medical backing and their media coverage.

The media for example would not readily support a slimming pill without believing in the credibility of its weight loss results first.

If they did, not only would this open them up to endless letters of complaint if the slimming pill did not work, but also their own position as a reliable source would come under fire.

So you see, unless a newspaper thoroughly believes in the slimming pill themselves, they would never openly advertise a link. Not if there was a small chance it could back-fire on them.

The evidence

Proof of this approach can be seen in the Telegraph’s recent feature on Proactol. Within their article based on slimmer’s ‘top 5 tips for losing weight in 2008’, they voted Proactol as their second choice.

Now considering that the Telegraph is acclaimed for containing the latest in news and scientific information, the fact they have mentioned Proactol numerous times within their article (all in a positive light) is just a further testament to how strongly they believe Proactol is one of the best slimming pills around.

But Proactol’s presence within the media has not just been limited to the Telegraph. Proactol has also been featured in the Daily Mail, the New York Times and Florida Style Magazine. Each of which are considered to also be reliable sources for information.

Saying all this, the media is not the only way to determine whether a slimming pill is real or not – though it does set up a good precedent for making a decision.

There are other equally vital points you need to take into consideration when assessing a slimming pill - their clinical trials and their medical backing.

Something that Proactol can also easily prove.

Medically backed by the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Proactol has undergone 5 successful clinical trials and is clinically proven to help you:

• Reduce your fat intake by 28%
Suppress your appetite
• Decrease your food cravings
Lower your blood cholesterol
• Cut your calorie intake by 150 calories per main meal.

Add all these facts together and it is easy to see that Proactol is a slimming pill that works.

So whilst it may feel as though most slimming pills don’t work, there are ones out there - such as Proactol – which can offer you real credible weight loss results. You just need to know where to look.


Hoodia and Appetite Suppression

Look on the web and you will find hundreds of appetite suppressants all claiming to do the same thing, but have you ever looked closely into how they work?

On the one hand you have got natural appetite suppressants such as Proactol and UniqueHoodia that can help you to cut your meal portions without causing your body harm.

But then you have got others that work by chemically altering your brain signals, and affecting your health as a whole.

Take for example Reductil and Phentermine. Proven to help consumers lose a steady weight loss of 1-2lbs a week, alongside these benefits consumers can also expect to experience a range of other effects. And not all of the positive kind:

• Palpitations, breathlessness, racing heart, stomach cramps, diarrhoea – and these are only the tame ones.

Some of their less common side effects include coronary heart disease AND liver/pancreatic disease, not exactly inspiring.

So what can you do?

Well for a start we recommend that you do the research and check out the history of your supplement first, before investing.

Take the natural appetite suppressants mentioned above.

Alongside their ability to effectively suppress your appetite - Proactol has been proven to:

• Reduce your dietary fat intake by 28%
• Decrease your calories intake by 450 calories a day.

And UniqueHoodia has been found to:

• 10,000 times stronger than glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Reduce your food intake by 50%
• Cut your calorie intake by 2,000 calories

Plus to top it all they are 100% side effect free. What more can you ask for?

Offer your body a natural solution to weight loss

Compare all these supplements together and UniqueHoodia can offer you real credible results. Even more so than well renowned herbal supplement Proactol.

And these figures offered by UniqueHoodia are not just a statement either.

UniqueHoodia has been tried, tested and has been clinically proven to produce these results – something that not many Hoodia Gordonii supplements can offer

Finding Genuine Hoodia

If you have become as fascinated as we have about the latest weight loss supplement Hoodia Gordonii, then you are not alone.
There are many people who have been tricked into buying a fake supplement. We will now reveal how you can avoid being one of them.

Search the web, and you’ll soon see what we mean when we say this new market niche is diverse. Type ‘hoodia’ into Google and hundreds of these so called supplements will pop up; all tempting you to buy.

Yet of this astounding number, 80% of them have been proven to be fake.

From containing the wrong type of Hoodia plant to having scrimped on their ingredients.The many supplements out there claiming to be 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii are in fact fakes.

Now we are not just making a statement here. There is clinical proof that everything we have just said is real. Let us explain.

Following an investigation by leading laboratory Alkemist pharmaceuticals, they discovered of the supplements that were willingly sent to them to be tested, only 20% were pure 100% Hoodia Gordonii. The rest… simply did not come up to par.

Now before you get worried there is a way for you to tell whether or not you are receiving the genuine article. All you need to do is ask yourself the following questions:

One: Which Hoodia plant has been used?

Many companies will try to trick you by being vague as to which Hoodia plant they mean. So if you do come across a supplement whose ingredients simply say ‘hoodia’ then put it back. It is highly probable that they have opted to use 1 of the 13 other Hoodia plants that exist, which don’t contain the active ingredient P57.

Of all the 13 Hoodia plants only Hoodia Gordonii contains this active molecule which have been proven to suppress your appetite.

Two: What part of the Hoodia Gordonii plant has been used?

Of the Hoodia Gordonii plant itself, only the core contains P57. Its leaves, flowers and roots… are just redundant and are ineffectual at contributing to weight loss.

Here in lies the problem. Although the leaves and flowers of the Hoodia Gordonii plant can offer nothing in relation to weight loss, many companies chose to use them. And by doing so are still able to claim that they are using 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii. Why? Because if you break this information down into its basic fundamentals, they are not strictly lying.

Three: Are there any other ingredients?

As we said above only the core of the Hoodia Gordonii plant can suppress your appetite, so if you find any else on the ingredient list such as caffeine or fillers then you are not receiving pure Hoodia Gordonii. If anything they are only giving you 60% of the core, reducing its effectiveness by 40%.

There are some exceptions though – the capsules ingredients. These consist of gelatib. Spot this and your supplement is still pure, but find anything else and you are not getting 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii.

Four: Is it an extract?

There is no such thing as a 100% Hoodia Gordonii extract. Anyone who claims to be selling one is lying to you, and in truth is only supplying you with 60% of the plant.

See what we mean? There are many loop holes. Loop holes that have enabled numerous companies to produce fake Hoodia pills.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can escape this problem by bearing these 4 questions in mind each and every time you browse over a product.

Do that and you can ensure that you always receive the genuine article.

One such supplement that has passed all these tests is UniqueHoodia.
Clinically tested by Alkemist pharmaceuticals, Unique Hoodia has been found to contain 100% pure unaltered Hoodia Gordonii, as well as offering:

A 2,000 calorie reduction every day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
Increased energy and self esteem.


The 400mg Hoodia Capsule Myth

How much Hoodia Gordonii you get in one supplement has always been at the centre of the Hoodia debate.

With many companies opting to include other ingredients within their capsules, finding one that is 100% pure is hard enough as it is, without having to also find one that will offer you the maximum weight loss results.

According to recent studies it has been found that consumers need to take between 2,250-3,000mg of Hoodia Gordonii per day to effectually suppress their appetite and lose weight.

Working under that assumption, and the fact that many hoodia companies will tell you to take only 3-4 of their supplements every day, it is logical that you will need to take 400mg of genuine Hoodia Gordonii in order to feel its full effects.

Yet despite this well acknowledged fact, Alkemist Pharmaceuticals have found that most Hoodia supplements only contain 25mg. Just a sixteenth of what you really need.

But this is not the worse of it. Look on the web and almost all leading Hoodia Gordonii supplements claim to offer 400mg. So if that is right, are Alkemist pharmaceuticals must be wrong in their estimation?

No. What you are witnessing here is the extent of these companies lies to draw you in. Take a look at the following leading competitors:

Pure Hoodia Gordonii Extract (500mg) – now before you get excited that this one is 500mg per capsule, this is an extract. Meaning… this supplement is far from being made from pure 100% Hoodia Gordonii.

Hoodia Gordonii (400mg)- this one may contain 400mg per capsule, but priced at just £18.49, the price is just too low to be genuine Hoodia Gordonii

100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii (700mg) – this one looks promising too, but with 100 tablets priced at only £24.99, it is hard to believe that they would offer extra pure Hoodia Gordonii in one tablet, plus 100 tablets of it at such a low price. Especially when the plant is so rare

See what we mean? With so many Hoodia supplements claiming to offer you the 400mg you need to suppress your appetite, it is hard to believe Alkemist pharmaceuticals statement.

Who are the genuine and who are the fake?

One sure way is to compare the prices and package sizing like we have done above. But the best way – and the one we thoroughly recommend - is to check their clinical backing. Who has tested them? What certificates of proof have they got?

Take UniqueHoodia for example. They have been clinically tested by not just Alkemist pharmaceuticals but by reputable company CNL. And proof of this testing can be found on their website, all readily available for your perusal.

Taking their backing into consideration, and extra 60mg of Hoodia Gordonii you can get in one capsule (460mg in total) what they are offering is incredible.
This makes their further claims all the more realistic and desirable:

• 100% pure unaltered Hoodia Gordonii
2,000 daily calorie reductions
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
Increased energy and self esteem


Fast Lunch Ideas

If you are a working man, you know how important lunch is. You can't function without a good lunch. A good lunch is the difference between feeling great during the afternoon and feeling worn out. Many times we skip on lunch. We don't either eat the right things, or don't eat at all. I know several people who don't eat any lunch at all. Especially women, they think they can skip this meal and not have to worry about it. I'm the type of person who can't skip a meal. Maybe one of the reasons is that I can't turn down a good meal.

Though, if I don't eat, I can feel it. Nothing will make you feel like shit quicker than skipping a meal. We all know what it feels like.
What do you do? You don't have time to fix a good lunch before you go to work. Or do you? Of course you do. If you are in a relationship, you have more than enough time. One thing I would suggest is that you alternate fixing each others lunch. One day you fix both of your lunches, while the next day have her fix both of them. This will give you time to do the other things that you need to do.

You can also fix your lunch before you go to bed at night. By doing this, you don't have to rush yourself. Which, will make your day that much better. I hate having to rush in the morning. What kinds of things should you fix? Here we will go into some simple things to fix.

Tuna and Bell Pepper Pocket

3 (6-ounce) cans drained, solid white tuna (in water) ½ cup chopped bell peppers ¼ cup chopped celery ¼ cup sliced onions 8-12 lettuce leaves (preferably green) 2 medium-size sliced tomatoes (8-12 slices total) 3 tbsp. fat-free Italian dressing 1 tbsp. dried oregano 1 tbsp. black pepper 4 (6-inch) pita breads Combine tuna, green peppers, celery and onions in a bowl. In another bowl, combine dressing, black pepper and oregano, pour it over the tuna mix and stir. Refrigerate for a few hours. When serving, put 2-3 tomato slices and 2-3 lettuce leaves in each pita bread. Add tuna mix to pitas. There's enough for 4 servings.

I love this. I don't think there is a better easier lunch item than this.
Black Bean Salad ½ (8-ounce) can drained black beans 1 (15-ounce) can drained whole kernel corn 4 chopped green onions ½ chopped green bell pepper 3 diced tomatoes ½ avocado peeled, pitted and diced ½ (2-ounce) jar pimentos 2 tbsp. lemon juice 3 ounces fat-free Italian salad dressing ¼ tsp. garlic salt Combine Italian dressing, black beans, green onions, corn, bell pepper, avocado, pimento, tomatoes, and lemon juice in a bowl. Add and toss pepper, salt and garlic. Store in Tupperware and refrigerate. Offers up three delicious servings for that big appetite of yours.

This is another great one.
Smoked Chicken Sandwich ½ (8-ounce) loaf sourdough bread ¼ tbsp. vinegar 2 tbsp. chopped parsley 1/8 cup low-fat mayonnaise or fat-free salad dressing ¼ cup chopped bell peppers (you can't go wrong with bell peppers) ½ small onion thinly sliced ½ medium sized tomato sliced 8 (1-ounce) slices low-fat mozzarella cheese 2 cloves minced garlic 8 (1-ounce) slices lean chicken 1 tbsp. black pepper Slice the loaf of bread horizontally. Remove some soft bread from inside each half. Stir mayonnaise and vinegar together. Add parsley, bell peppers, black peppers, and garlic to the mix. Let stand for 15 minutes. Layer the bottom of the loaf with 4 slices of chicken and cheese, then layer with half of the onions and half of the tomatoes. Spread half of the mayonnaise concoction and repeat the entire process from the start with the remaining ingredients. Close the sandwich with the second bread shell and chill until it's ready to serve. When serving, cut loaf into 3 wedges (secure loaf with wooden sticks for a better cut). Makes 3 servings. There you have some easy lunch ideas. Try these, you are sure to love them.

Where Diets Go Wrong

The first reaction of most people who discover that they’ve put some weight on is to eat less food. It sounds simple enough and reasonable. Since food is what got us into trouble it follows that eating less of it will make everything right again. Nearly every diet or eating plan in the magazines or on the Internet says pretty much the same thing: eat less food. Therefore the answer to this problem is very simple and handy. Sure, going with less food than usual is a challenge, but it also carries with it a sort of expiation feeling.
Unfortunately for those who hope that lowering the food intake would help them lose weight, this doesn’t work. Over the thousands of years of evolution the human body had to face starvation many times and had to find ways of surviving. We are the offsprings of those who managed to survive periods of starvation by coping with the lack of food. Therefore, a simple decrease in the volume of food is not going to make a big difference because the body will simply compensate for it by lowering the amount of energy produced and limiting the capacity for effort.
The best way to reach your weight loss goal is to work around this defense system by eating smart instead of eating less. Overweight people and thin people eat roughly the same number of calories per day because they share the same required amount of food. However, overweight people eat far more fat than thin people, who seem to prefer complex carbohydrates that are easily broken down and metabolized by the body. This is the biggest difference between the two groups and the best point to start when considering what and how to change in your eating patterns.
Good dieting always takes time.
The excess weight was not accumulated over night and will never go away in a single day. Every year hundreds of thousands of people are searching the Internet and reading magazines in order to get dieting tips and to find the modern Holy Grail: a pill that can make fat disappear in an instant. Well, maybe this is an exaggeration, but you get the idea. You have probably encountered by now a lot of advertisements promising such amazing results with the help of some quasi magic ingredient or other. And you probably know that losing weight doesn’t work like that.
The only way to lose weight for good is to avoid eating foods that are rich in fat and to exercises on a regular basis. Dieting without exercising is pointless because all the weight lost by eating less food will come right back in the following months. The sedentary lifestyle most of us lead is one of the causes behind the recent increase in the number of overweight people around the world. Cars, office jobs and foods rich in fat have brought us an unforeseen problem because the easy modern life has a price tag, just like everything else.

Fast Food

Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean, sure I love a bucket of fried chicken like the rest of you, but there is more to eating than fast food. We have come too dependant on ready serve meals. I don't care if they are fast food or a meal in a frozen box. There should be no need for it, but I can see why it is appealing to many people.

I have to admit, I have ate my fair share of fast food. I used to spend a good amount of time away from the house and it wasn't easy to grab a good meal. Most of us today live a lifestyle like this. For one reason or another, we don't have time to prepare a good meal.

Here we will discuss some things you can get at your local fast food joints that are suprisingly healthy.
I'm not going to tell you that they are better for you than a meal that you would cook on your own, but you already know that. If you are ordering a burger, get it without the mayo and the cheese. It might not sound like it, but you will cut a lot of fat out just by doing this. If the sandwich is too dry for you without the mayo, use mustard or ketchup. This will help it slide down easier.

The cheese that is used is the processed garbage loaded with oil and other junk. You think that cheese is made of milk, but not all of it is. Some of it is made from cooking oil. If you love cheese as much as I do, you can tell just by looking at it. Cheese that is made from oil will have a different look. It will look orange and oily. Avoid anything with bacon on it. I find that the bacon in fast food joints is very awful. They really don't cook it, they just put it under lights until it gets hot. Avoid this at all costs. You will save calories and you will be happy you did.

A good rule of thumb is to stay away from sandwiches that are deep fried. You know the ones. The ones that have deep fried fish or chicken in them. The process of frying them in fat like this, makes them worse for your health. I would suggest that you go with chicken any time that you can. Generally chicken items will be lower in fat. Don't get a chicken sandwich loaded with mayo or that has been deep fried. If the only chicken items they have are deep fried, look at the burgers they have you can choose from.

I would also suggest that you substitute french fries for a side salad.
I know, what fun is fast food without fries? Well, from time to time they are okay. But, if you make a habit of eating fast food regularly, then you should stay away from them most of the time. Key thing to remember, I said most of the time. If you eat them from time to time, they won't hurt you. But if you are eating so many french fries that you can slick back your hair with the access grease on your hands, you need to cut down a bit on them.

There seems to be a trend of meatless burgers that some fast food joints are carrying. I'm not sure if this is because there is a jump in the percent of people who don't eat meat. That could be, but if you live near a college, that might have something to do with it too. It is a big phase with college kids to be 'animal friendly'. This is of course until they get older and realize how much more tasty meat is compared to tofu.

At any rate, if they have meatless burgers at your local fast food joint, you can try them. Sometimes they will be less in fat than normal burgers. They might take a while to get used to. I can't say that I care much for these. I can't stand how they when you chew them. Just keep in mind just because its meatless, don't mean you can add one the cheese and mayo. Some of these burgers aren't THAT lower in fat. My favorite place to go is Subway. Well, any good sub shop will work just fine. You can load up your sandwich with tasty veggies instead of fatty stuff like mayo. I would still suggest that you go with chicken, though at most of these places you can find turkey as well.

The great thing about Subway is, the fat content and the calories are open for all to see.

They advertise it all over their store how much the sandwiches contain. You can load up on all kinds of veggies and not even worry about missing cheese or mayo. One way that you can keep the calories low is by drinking water or diet sodas. Personally I hate diet soda, so I just drink water instead. Ask them if they have any lemon you can squirt into the water. That will give it a crisp taste that you will love and it will keep your mind off of the sodas. Of course you can go with the diet sodas, but to me they are way to sweet.

There you have it. An easy guide to fast food. The next time you go out to the hamburger joint, keep this article in mind. 

Planning Your Diet

We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat? If you are reading this, you have the time so. So sit back and follow these seven easy steps. Don't blink, if you do it will be over. It is really that simple.

1. Mini meals are great.

They tell people with certain disease that they should eat several small meals each day. They say that a person should eat something every two hours. Well, that isn't too impossible to do. I would suggest that you start out every four hours. Keep it like you normally would any of your other meals. Make sure you have your protein and your fiber. Have some veggies and some fruit to balance everything out. Don't make your mini meal a bucket of fried chicken. I know that since it is a mini meal, the temptation doesn't seem as great. I mean, if you only slip up in a mini meal, who is watching?
These are a great way to avoid hunger and improper snacking throughout the day. Just make your mini meals up and eat them every time that you have planned. If you plan on eating every two hours, every two hours it is. It doesn't take a road map to figure this out.

2. Don't go over board.

This is easier said than done. You need to have a specific amount that you are trying to reduce. If you are trying to reduce your meals by 10%, then you should stick to that. I'm not suggesting that you break out the calculator and count up every meal that you have. If you have been on a diet for very long, you already have a good idea how many calories things have. Don't eat with your eyes, eat with your mind. That will help you cut down on the amount of food that you eat.

3. Eat good tasting food.

From time to time let yourself go. Eat something that you know you shouldn't. If you get it out of your system, it will be easier to maintain your diet. If on the other hand you don't allow yourself to eat things you shouldn't from time to time, all you will do is hurt yourself in the long run. You are going to nibble each day on those things instead of just eating them occasionally.

4. Eat your calories, don't drink them.

Don't fill up on sodas and other drinks. You can get all your calories for one day in these if you do it too much. A few sodas here. A few cups of hot chocolate there. A few beers here. You get the point. That will put on the pounds easily.

5. Exercise.

You need to do this to keep fit. Not only will it keep you fit, but it will keep you mentally sharp as well. That can go a long way in helping you stick to a diet. If you are depressed, chances are you will end up eating fatty foods that will make you fat. When you consume all of that fat, it will make you more depressed. It is a bad cycle to start.

6. Make your meals last.

Chew your damn food son! I bet you heard that one as a kid. Well, it is true. Don't swallow your food. Instead, eat it slowly and enjoy the taste of it. If you do this, it will make you feel like you have actually ate something. If you swallow it down, you won't get the same benefit. You will continue to feel a void.

7. Discover your food triggers.

We all have these. When was the last time you went grocery shopping and you looked at a bag of cookies and realized that you had to have them? I do this sort of thing all the time. You need to understand what foods trigger your response system. If you can do this, you can avoid situations that will make you eat things that you shouldn't eat.
Well, that wasn't so bad was it? There is no need to flip out when it comes to a diet plan. It is simple and easy. Just like anything in life, you should have a plan before you begin to do whatever it is that you are doing. The same is true with your diet.

You Can Do It

These are 9 things every man should set a goal for. Look up the word "fit" in the dictionary. Does is say anywhere how much a man should be able to lift or how fast her should be able to run? No. So we can't find a real definition of what fit means. Use this as your dictionary and get fit with us. Before you call yourself "in shape" try these rules. Any man can follow in the and if you can't go all the way at first we'll give you what you need to make it there. We say a fit man can bench press 1 1/2 of his body weight. Upper body strength for more then just the actually exercise. You'll look good in a tank top, when that guy at the bar hits on your lady you'll be able to throw his weight around.

You'll never have to worry about him again. Lye down flat on a bench press machine, keeping your feet flat to the ground the entire time. Divide the heaviest weight you've lifted times your body weight.

Score: Less than 1.0: a little weak but we can fix this. 1.0–1.49: Ordinary, you're not that bad off. 1.5 or more: You definitely know what's going on.

You want to strengthen a muscle?

The key is to lift fats. Follow these for a few weeks and you'll see how much you've improved.

Take a weight that's about 40% of what you can lift at one time. Do nine sets of three reps. Don't forget to rest about 50-60 seconds between sets. Lower and raise the bar as fast as you can, changine your grip every three sets. Example :start at 16-20 then 20-24 inches apart.

*About three to four days after do three sets of flat, incline or decline barbell presses with the heaviest weight you can lift (six times).

*Press you head into the bench as you are lifting. Doing this will ensure that your spine is perfectly straight. Pushing your head into the bench activates neck extensors.
A man in shape can run a mile and a half in 11 minutes. Your body's ability to give oxygen to your working muscles shows that you're in peak performance. Doing exercises regularly (running) lowers your cholesterol and keeps your body fat to a minimum. This is good for prevention of heart disease. Run a mile and a half as fast as you can (try to keep on the flat surfaces) If you're trying to achieve aerobic capacity you need to be able to run long and fast.Follow these tips for 6-10 weeks and you'll improve your endurance up to 30%.

*If you need to walk that's okay. Every Sunday take a 40-60 minute run. Make sure that you never feel winded at any time. Like I said you can walk.

*On Tuesday do 4-6 half mile intervals at your won pace. Set a goal. If your goal is to run this in 10 minutes, each interval should be 3 minutes and 20 seconds.Don't forget to rest in-between.

*Thursday do 4-6 up hill runs. Run at a good pace. Take two minutes to rest in-between intervals. For the last interval jog for about 10-15 minutes.

*Split the distance into four 600-yard intervals and run them at a pace that's 10 percent faster than your 11/2-mile pace, resting 1 minute after each.
A man in shape can be able to give a good leap forward. This shows lower body strength and speed. This is good for when you're trying to steal base etc...A man that's in shape should score high for a vertical jump. Grab a piece of chalk when doing this, chalk you fingers and stand flat footed against a wall, Put your chalked fingers as high as you can up the wall and mark it. Without taking a step, dip your knees and swing your arms and jump. The distance between the two marks is your vertical distance. Score:20 inches or less: You're not jumping far enough to lift off the ground. Between 20 and 26 inches: Not too bad but you have room for improvement. Higher than 26 inches: Great job.

*If you want to jump higher you'll have to practice it.

*Stand on something that's about 12" off the ground and step off the box. The minute your feet touch the ground jump as high as you can. Keep repeating this about 5 times.

*Do four more sets, rest 30 seconds between sets.

*Never use your first jump to score. You're just getting started. When it comes to strength, your lower half is your better half. Your butt and leg muscles are the root of your body.You need your lower half for almost everything. Get in position in the leg press machine, lower the weight until your legs are bent about 90 degrees then push the weight back up. To figure out your score divide the highest amount of weight you've lifted times your body weight. Score: Less than 1.8: Not very sturdy. 1.8 to 2.2: Not too bad but you can do much better. More than 2.2: Nice leg power, keep it up.

Want stronger legs in three weeks?

Try this.

* Use a weight that's about 95 percent of the amount you lifted when you first tried. Do 10 sets of one rep, rest for 80 seconds after each set.

*This should be done at least two times a week, and every time you do it take away 10 seconds out of your resting period. period . When your rest period is down to 30 seconds, retake the test and use more weight.

* Before you take the test do a leg press with 20% more weight than what you think you can lift. Lower the weight only halfway before pushing it back up. When doing this your muscles will be expecting a heavier weight. It'll seem a lot easier and you'll be able to lift more.
Swimming is a great workout. It needs aerobic capacity and upper body muscle. Swim as much as you can in 12 minutes. Your total distance in yards will be your score. Less than 500 yards: You're drowning. 500–700 yards: Good but room for improvement. More than 700 yards: Go fishy! There's only about 2 out of 100 people that can swim a quarter mile without stopping. Thats probably because they have poor form and this can greatly affect the way you're swimming.

*Always keep your head straight with your body. *When breathing, I know this sounds weird but breath from your belly button and roll. Don't change the position of your head. You'll float better and use less energy. This way you'll be able to swim more. * Swim 25 yards to practice your form. Begin swimming a total of 200 yards every time you practice. Eight 25 yard intervals. yards Each week add 50 yards until you're swimming at least 500 yards. Bring on 25 more intervals every two weeks, until you can to swim the entire distance without stopping.
How does 40 push ups sound? Tough? Pushups measure upper-body strength .Do you think you can drop right now and do 40 push ups? Try it and see how you do. If you can do this when you really need your upper body strength you'll have it. Get you body on the floor and make sure your arms are parallel to the floor and you shoulders. Start to push yourself up and do this as many times as your body will let you. Score 25 or fewer: not tough enough bud. 26–39: Not too bad but also not too good. 40 or more: Nice bod keep up the good work.
Building an upper body. * Do sets of half the number of pushups that you just did. Rest 60 seconds between sets. When you've done a total of 40 pushups. Example: if you did 12 pushups in the test, you'll need to do seven sets of six pushups.

* Each time you work your upper body do it every four days. Take off 5 seconds from the rest interval. After 12 sessions of this you'll be able to do 40 pushups without resting.

*Time how long it takes you to do as many pushups as you can. Then rest for the same amount of time. Repeat this two to four times. You'll improve your upper-body strength fast.

What does your belly look like?
If your belly is growing faster than your kids you have big problems. More fat you have in your belly the greater risk you're at for heart disease. We want you to be a man that's in shape you won't get heart disease. The easiest way to figure your risk level is to do a comparison of your waist and hip measurements. Get a measuring tape and measure your waist at the narrowest point. Measure the distance around the widest part of your butt and hips. Divide your waist measurement by your hip circumference to find out your risk level. Score 0.92 or higher: You're not doing too well. 0.82 to 0.91: Not bad but room for improvement. 0.81 or less: Good going Arnold.
To lose this extra weight you will have to exercise and eat good foods Which probably mean you'll have to go on a diet. Try this, take 250 calories out everyday and burn away 250 calories a day with exercise. That's 500 calories in one day. You're going to do great! 250 calories is about the same as a 355 ml can of Coke and two handfuls of chips. If you want to burn the same number of calories through exercise, try lifting weights for 30 minutes, walk 2 1/2 miles, whatever you're doing it has to get your heart rate up above normal. Only allow so much inside you. Watch your carbohydrates. Which you eat after 5 p.m. As the day goes on your body will store what you eat and turn it into fat.
Whether you're chasing a man who has robbed an elderly lady or running just because you want to see how fast you can go, every now and then a man just needs to test himself. Is it possible for you to do 300 yards in 60 seconds? If so, you have the speed you need for about anything. Run as fast as you can. Do this 6 times, for a total of 300 yards. Score More than 70 seconds: Way too slow bud. 60 to 70 seconds: Keep trying you're on the road for improvement. Less than 60 seconds: Fast as lightning.

*Run at 85% of everything you've got for 1 minute. *Then run at a lower pace, maybe 40% of everything you've got. Alternate between speeds for about 20 minutes. *Try this on a hill to get even better results.
Run as hard as you can each time you push off the line for your first three steps. Run though the middle area of each 25 yard run. Try and keep the same speed you gained from your sprint. This will help your speed alot. Beginning and stopping parts of the run are where most guys give up. Getting started is the hardest part and is much more.
We're not telling you to be a gymnast but you do need to be a bit flexible. even to tie your shows. If tying your shoes is already a problem for you listen up. Flexible muscles will help keep you moving at whatever it is your doing. Research shows from the ages 35-50, an average man's flexibility has gone down by 25 %. Without flexible muscles you can be heading into a bit of trouble. Here's some tips to help you make yourself a bit more flexible.

*Measure out 15 inches on the floor. *Sit down with your legs out in front of you and have your heels at the edge of the tape. *Place both hands on top of one another and reach towards your feet. Reach as far as you can without bending your legs. The score will be set by if you reached your feet or not.
Score Less than 15 inches: You're in need of some yoga. 15 to 17 inches: Room for improvement. More than 17 inches: You're great at this. Show me more little gymnast!
Completely relax yourself and your muscles will be more receptive to being stretched.

*Put your left leg on a step or whatever is near you thats almost as high as your waist. Have your leg straight and lean forward, as far as you can go and still being comfortable.

*Keep leaning as you're bending your knee, push the heel of your foot into the bench for 10 seconds. Relax and put your leg straight. Just from doing this every few days you'll be able to lean forward more then when you first started. than when you started. When doing this try and hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

*Do this three times. Going forward more each time.

* Always do a few little stretch before any exercise. Stand and put the heel of you foot on top of a ball. Have your leg straight and have them out in front of you. Don't move your body but try and move your foot in a circle motion. This will relax your leg muscles.
It's been told that a man that's in shape can throw a basket ball 75 feet from his knees. Here is why this is important, throwing for a certain distance measures all of your upper body strength. A man in shape should have a strong arm. Not just to throw a ball but also to kick some ass if he ever need to.

Kneel on the court and throw the basketball overhand as far and as hard as you can.
Score Less than 60 feet: I think you need a new arm. 60 to 74 feet: Need improvement but okay. More than 74 feet: You're on fire!
Tips on how to make your upper half strong. Try doing some single arm presses .This will improve upper-body speed and strength.

*Get a dumbbell with a grip on it and hold it in your left right hand. *Stand with your feet parallel to you shoulders have your knees bent just a bit. Pull that dumbbell right up in the air and bent your knees a bit. Then get back up. *When pulling up move the weight in an arc over your upper arm until the dumbbell rests on the top of your shoulder. Make sure your upper arm is still parallel to the floor. Bent your knees again and go. * Push the weight over your shoulders until your arm is fully straightened. Start again but switch arms. *Do this two days week and rest for three days. Do three sets of four reps with a heavy weight in one of the workouts. Do eight sets of one repetition with a much lighter weight(30 % of the heaviest weight you can lift in the other arm.)

*Try throwing the ball on a 40- 45 degree angle.